A whimsical creative


Mrs Maria Melani is a self-made Tuscan woman, through her own abilities, tenacity and the love for her job and her land.

Maria Melani is a woman that makes work and family coexist, a concept that we could summarize with the Tuscan expression “casa e bottega” which translates to “home and shop”, meaning that someone is completely dedicated to their job and their family, which also represents a model for economic and social development; the shop is in fact considered like an extended family, made by women and mostly aimed to women, often sharing moments of happiness and grief.

Maria Melani possesses the know-how as a combination of skills handed down for centuries and the relationship with the technologies of the time, given by the sewing machines and the new work tools that emerged in the twentieth century as a great production innovation.


Maria Melani is a revolutionary woman primarily for the organizational aspects, in understanding that in a manufacturing company the strength resides in human resources, “le scolare”, which means “schoolgirls”.

Maria sets up a school within the company, an extraordinary idea born in the frame of her creativity and in the ability to observe the phenomenology of change around her, in search for a designer, a photographer and an up-to-date distribution network.

These peculiarities are what made Maria Melani an amazing woman, traits that we can find in other more or less famous Tuscan women, features of a region and its culture which we find in education, in mutual aid associations and associations of arts and crafts.



Maria Melani, with her knowledge and expertise, combined with her strong creativity appreciated everywhere, was desired by very important stylists of her time.

Maria knew how to transform and make their ideas three dimensional, she knew the right materials to choose and the correct finishes.

The knowledge and craftsmanship applied to the execution of the product were precisely what made Maria Melani not only a stylist but, in contemporary terminology, a product developer.

This work figure is highly requested to this day in our region as a key role in manufacturing systems that produce most of the high range in fashion in Tuscany.